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Planet list

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Planet list Empty Planet list

Post by Unseen Fri Apr 09, 2010 7:44 am

So far they have released Info about
* Coruscant

* Capital of the Republic.
* Coruscant seems to be split into levels such as Senate, Works, Gang areas - Dev Dispatch (Coruscant)
* Lots to explore on Coruscant, you can see for miles and miles - Dev Dispatch (Coruscant)
* Social areas on Coruscant such as the Spaceport and Galactic Senate - Dev Dispatch (Coruscant)

* Tython

* Tython is a planet of forests and ancient ruins - Dev Blog (find balance in the force)
* Starter Planet for Jedi Knight & Jedi Consular

* Ord Mantell

* Starter Planet for Smuggler & Trooper
* The planet is embroiled in civil war
* The planet contains mainly Saltwater seas and Islands

* Belsavis

* Prison world maintained by the Republic
* The ancient prison was constructed by the Rakatan Empire
* Ice Covered with Small Pockets of Volcanic Temperate Zones

* Dromund Kaas

* Capital of the Sith Empire.
* Home to the Emperor and his Dark Council, is a planet consumed with dark side energy.

* Korriban

* Starter Planet for Sith Warrior & Sith Inquisitor
* Red, rocky desert planet
* Original home world of the Sith

* Hutta

* Starter Planet for Bounty Hunter & Imperial Agent
* Swamps and Industrial wasteland

* Balmorra

* Republic forces are supporting the local resistance on this planet.
* The planet is Occupied by the Empire

* Alderaan

* Alderaan is a mix of landscapes from Snow capped peaks to rolling plains to Forests
* Several of Alderaan’s noble houses are battling for the throne in a brutal civil war

* Tatooine

* The planet's surface consists mainly of Seas of Sand and Rock
* Ex Czerka Corp mined planet. Imperial presence on planet

* Taris

* Taris is a post-apocalyptic planet with plague infested swamps
* Mention of 'vertical' enviroment aspects that maybe similar to Coruscant where you have different levels of the planet to explore - Dev Dispatch Video (Taris)

* Possible dozens of planets in game - Gamespot TOR 2008
God of Mortals
God of Mortals

Posts : 1546
Join date : 2008-01-12

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Planet list Empty Re: Planet list

Post by Caveman Fri Apr 09, 2010 9:03 am

fuck ya korriban


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Age : 34
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Planet list Empty Re: Planet list

Post by Unseen Fri Apr 09, 2010 9:05 am

definitely one of my favorites from Kotor and Kotor 2
God of Mortals
God of Mortals

Posts : 1546
Join date : 2008-01-12

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